
Thursday, February 21, 2019

Prepping Your Sources Essay

Fill in the notes for the amendment and for each of the tierce categories (multi-media, contemporary cases, advocacy documents). If you need animation for the citation, consult the MLA Formatting pass you printed from the lesson. Amendment for your topic (from the Bill of Rights) quotation mark http//www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/fourth_amendment What instruction from this character reference seems the most distinguished? Note key points mentioned in the denotation. The most important classify of the amendment is the right to be secure from unwarranted look and seizures. How does this source allow your topic?It shows how the government can bend the will of this amendment in their opt but it also shows how this amendment can severely help the defendants when they are very guilty. What information from this source would be most recyclable to involve in your informative/ instructive article? The general right of the people to be protected from unwarranted search and sei zures in their own homes by police and other law enforcement. One Multi-Media Resource (videos, slideshows, audio files, infographics) Citation http//www.slideshare.net/jenvogt/fourth-amendment-and-racial-profiling-1 expose Use I used it to relegate understand the fourth amendment rights.What information from this source seems the most important? Note key points mentioned in the source. How privateness rights are superseded by reasonable suspicion. How does this source support your topic? It helps me arrive at a better understanding on the rights of the fourth amendments and right better able it. What information from this source would be most useful to include in your informative/explanatory article? The fact that your privacy is superseded by reasonable suspicion. Two Contemporary Case Resources (articles on recent case)1Citation Information http//www.law.cornell.edu/supct/pdf/13-132.pdf Key Use Gives a whole overview of the Riley Vs. atomic number 20 case. Whatinformation fr om this source seems the most important? Note key points mentioned in the source. The important information in this source is that a cop search Rileys phone without a warranted and he was arrested on those charges. How does this source support your topic? It shows how unwarranted search and seizure leads to bad arrests and criminals get complete the hook because of one mistake. What information from this source would be most useful to include in your informative/explanatory article? How the arrests happened and provide lucubrate about why and how the cop went about arresting riley.2Citation Information https//www.eff.org/files/2014/06/20/patino_decision.pdf Key Use Gives a full analyse of the case.What information from this source seems the most important? Note key points mentioned in the source. How the evidence was once again taken from a cell phone. How does this source support your topic? It shows more examples of fourth amendment rights being violated. What information from this source would be most useful to include in your informative/explanatory article? How the search went, provide details, and references about the whole case. Two advocacy Documents or Articles (document or article including statements from presidents, politicians, or advocates about the topic you selected)1Citation Information http//billofrightsinstitute.org/resources/educator-resources/lessons-plans/landmark-cases-and-the-constitution/olmstead-v-united-states-1927/ Key Use In the Olmstead case read/write head Justice William Taft had said the amendment meant physically searches and seizures. What information from this source seems the most important? Note key points mentioned in the source. How Chief Justice William Taft had said the amendment meant physically searches and seizures. How does this source support your topic? It shows how the government still bends the amendment in their favor. What information from this source would be most useful to include in your informative/e xplanatory article?

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